Spinal injuries are most severe when spinal cord tissue is bruised, torn or crushed. A person could actually “break his back or neck” and yet not sustain a spinal cord injury if only the bones or vertebra around the spinal cord are damaged. With care, the back will heal, leaving the spinal cord unaffected. Spinal cord injuries occur mostly in men between ages 16 and 30. Motor vehicle accidents involving cars, trucks, motorcycles, bicycles and pedestrians hit by vehicles account for nearly half of all spinal cord injuries. Other common causes are:
As many as 400,000 Americans live with spinal cord injuries today. Most sufferers will continue to need medical care and personal assistance throughout their lives. The physical, emotional and financial strain of a recent spinal cord injury or the loss of a loved one due to such an injury devastates not only the victim, but the entire family. In these circumstances, finding a compassionate and knowledgeable Los Angeles and Nevada Spinal Injury Attorney is vital to help you obtain adequate compensation.