Perhaps the most common cause of personal injury throughout the United States, car accidents account for a significant percentage of court-appointed and out-of-court settlements for financial compensation. The right attorney can help car accident victims to find justice.
Due to key factors like weight and power, truck accidents that involve commercial vehicles like utility trucks or 18-wheeler semis have a potential for much greater damage and personal injury than in other motor vehicle accidents, not only at higher speeds, but at low speeds as well.
Much like motor vehicles, bicyclists must comply with specific laws with regard to signaling, safety, and other regulations . Many drivers of trucks, vans and cars continue to be unaware of the rights of bicyclists or fail to see them on the road, often causing serious or life threatening injuries in an accident.
Today more than ever, motorcyclists must be on the defensive against motor vehicle drivers who continue to show their negligence by creating situations that increase the likelihood for motorcycle accidents. Bringing attention to motorcycle accident injuries that are caused by negligent drivers is vital to the fight to make America’s roads safe for motorcyclists.
Companies that manufacture products have a responsibility to the public to provide goods that are made with safe materials, constructed in a way that minimizes the potential for misuse and error, and with proper warnings that inform consumers of the dangers involved. When an injury occurs as a result of defective products, the company may be held liable for damages.
Pedestrians are extremely vulnerable to personal injury from motor vehicles drivers who do not see them or are otherwise not aware of their presence while crossing the street. Motor vehicle drivers are obligated to consider the rights of pedestrians in close proximity to their vehicles, or suffer from penalties including financial compensation.
Physicians, surgeons and other healthcare professionals are specialized members of society who have been entrusted with the responsibility of caring for those who are in need. When these trusted professionals make bad decisions or mistakes that result in personal injury, they should be exposed and punished accordingly. Victims of medical malpractice have a responsibility to other patients to seek justice in the form of financial compensation.
Bus accidents are one type of accident that can cause personal injury for victims who are unfortunate enough to be present in an accident. People who are injured in bus accidents have the right to seek financial compensation to cover treatment of injuries as well as recovery or other costs that arise from the injury.
Premises liability refers to the responsibility that business and home owners have to maintain proper safety precautions on their premises. When people suffer from personal injuries as a result of an accident on the premises, then the victim may seek compensation.
Nightclubs and bars are an excellent place for people to go to unwind and have a drink with friends. The presence of alcohol and potential for intoxication along with other factors can lead to aggression, however, and fights can easily erupt between patrons or even the bouncers who are tasked with maintaining peace.
Any property owner has a duty to maintain safe, hazard-free premises. With the busy lifestyles most of us lead, especially in urban settings, we depend upon the diligence of business owners, public-area custodians, landlords and property managers to ensure the environment under their care is safe for use
Losing a beloved family member is possibly the most difficult part of life. When death is expected and due to natural causes, a family often has time to contemplate their loss and recover emotionally.
An impact or blow to the head can result in brain damage and should never be treated lightly. When one understands that the brain and spinal cord represent the central message system for voluntary and involuntary commands to the rest of the body, it is easy to see how an injury to the brain can seriously affect a person’s life.
Spinal injuries are most severe when spinal cord tissue is bruised, torn or crushed. A person could actually “break his back or neck” and yet not sustain a spinal cord injury if only the bones or vertebra around the spinal cord are damaged. With care, the back will heal, leaving the spinal cord unaffected.
Serious dog bite attacks are a growing concern in America today. Of the millions of animal attacks in the United States each year, the overwhelming majority are occasioned by man’s best friend. Visits by victims of dog bites to hospital emergency rooms now number over 1,000 per day.
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