Tired Driver

Injured In A Truck Accident With A Tired Driver?

Los Angeles and Nevada Truck Accident Attorney Can Help

A tired driver is dangerous in any vehicle. However, a commercial truck, such as an 18-wheelertractor trailer, or semi is dangerous enough on its own. Put a tired driver behind the wheel, and the likelihood of an accident increases exponentially. For this very reason, the federal government has strict regulations on the number of hours a truck driver can legally drive without a rest. The law states that a driver cannot drive more than 11 hours in a row, and no more than 14 in a 24-hour period. However, trucking companies often pay their drivers by mile, and many drivers will push themselves beyond what is legally acceptable in order to make their tight deadlines or add a few more miles to their pay. If you have been in an accident that was caused by a tired driver, you owe it to yourself to contact a Los Angeles and Nevada truck accident lawyer to find out if you have a viable claim against the driver or trucking company. You may be able to seek financial compensation to offset the cost of your medical treatments, as well as ease your pain and suffering.

When a tired driver is behind the wheel of a commercial truck, the accident can be severe. A tired driver can cause any type of devastating truck accident, including a jackknife accidentrollover accidentT-bone accident, and more. And because of the sheer size and weight of a commercial truck, the injuries that a victim will sustain are much more severe, and can even be catastrophic, resulting in life-long disabilities and diminished quality of life. Seeking financial compensation may become a necessity if, as a result of the accident, you require extensive medical procedures or costly medical care.

Truck Accident Lawyer In Los Angeles and Nevada

At Lagstein Law Firm, we understand how upsetting and frustrating a tired driver accident can be, especially when you consider that this accident could have been avoided if proper consideration had been taken by the driver, and simple laws obeyed. That is why we are dedicated to helping our clients who have suffered personal injury or the loss of a loved one in a Los Angeles Or Nevada tired driver truck accident. With years of experience handling numerous truck accident cases, we have the knowledge and aggressive, relentless attitude you need in a truck accident attorney. We may be able to secure you the compensation you need for your medical bills, pain and suffering.

If you or a loved one was injured in a truck accident caused by a tired driver, contact a Los Angeles and Nevada truck accident attorney from our firm as soon as possible to discuss your case.

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