Trucking AccidentsCrash at the Intersection of the US-101 and Wellsona Rd. Claims Four Lives

December 31, 20140

Dec. 24, 2014 — A horrible crash occurred at the intersection of the US-101 and Wellsona Rd. near Paso Robles. The crash involved a semi-truck and a minivan. The truck was headed northbound on the 101 and the minivan was headed southbound. As the truck made a left-hand turn and crossed the southbound lanes, it collided with the minivan. All four people in the minivan were killed. That stretch of road is considered by some to be very dangerous.

Unfortunately, trucking accidents are all too common. The danger can increase significantly when certain road conditions are present.

Lagstein Law Firm currently represents an individual who was severely injured at that same intersection.

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