Drunk Driving AccidentWrongful DeathLagstein Law Firm Prevails on Appeal in Drunk Driving Case

July 31, 20130

Lagstein Law Firm and its co-counsel prevailed today in a landmark decision coming out of the California Court of Appeal. The firm represents the parents of a promising young scientist who was killed by a drunk driver. At the time of the crash, the drunk driver worked for the Marriott and became severely intoxicated while at a company party. He left the party and, less than one hour later, crashed into a stopped car at a speed of over 100 miles per hour. The Marriott argued, unsuccessfully, that because their drunk employee first arrived at his home before leaving and crashing into Dr. Jared Purton’s car, the Marriott should not be held liable for the crash. The appellate court unanimously disagreed. In a published decision, the court held that a drunk employee’s arrival at home does not automatically sever the chain of causation and absolve the employer (here, the Marriott) from liability.

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