Rear-End Accident

Truck Accident Lawyer Serving Los Angeles and Nevada

Injured In A Rear-end Accident?

A rear-end accident with a commercial truck can be extremely dangerous and cause serious damage in the forms of personal injury and damage to your vehicle. A rear-end accident, as opposed to a head-on accident or a T-bone accident, occurs when a vehicle strikes another vehicle from behind. When a commercial truck is traveling at high speeds, and the driver does not brake properly, or leave enough room to brake safely, a rear-end accident can occur. Commercial trucks, such as semis and 18-wheelers can become unwieldy and difficult to maneuver when proper operating procedure is not adhered to. If you have been injured in a rear-end truck accident, a Los Angeles and Nevada truck accident attorney can help you seek financial compensation from the individual or individuals responsible for the accident.

There are many factors that can contribute to a read-end accident. Adverse weather or road conditions can make it extremely difficult to properly operate a large truck. However, in most cases, it is driver error or negligence that causes an accident to occur. The trucking industry is heavily regulated, and if any part of the vehicle does not meet expectations for safety, an accident is much more likely to occur. Restrictions on the weight of the cargo, as well as the number of hours a driver can reasonably drive without resting all need to be adhered to, or the risk of an accident is that much higher. In addition, tired driversDUI accidents, and drug related accidents can occur if a truck driver is not exercising proper caution.

Los Angeles and Nevada Truck Accident Lawyer

If you or a loved one has suffered an injury in a rear-end truck accident, you owe it to yourself and your family to seek legal action against those responsible. When medical bills, the cost of treatments and surgeries begin to overwhelm you, it may become a necessity to seek compensation in order to offset the cost. At Lagstein Law Firm, we understand the urgent nature of what you’re going through, and that is why we are devoted to offering the best legal representation in Los Angeles and Nevada to the victims of Los Angeles and Nevada truck accidents. With years of experience handling numerous truck accident cases, we have the breadth and depth of knowledge you are looking for in a Los Angeles and Nevada truck accident attorney, and we will offer you and your family the support you need during this traumatic time.

Contact a Los Angeles and Nevada truck accident attorney from our firm today if you have been involved in a rear-end truck accident and are considering seeking compensation for your injuries, pain and suffering.

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